"Outside of books, what is your guilty pleasure?"
Guilty Pleasure? Whaa? Please, I love reading. But I also have other "nacks". One of my hobbies is art-I love drawing, sketching, painting-basically anything art related. Another thing is computer graphics/photo-shop, I have this class in schol and have learned a lot about photoshop, so I guess photo-shopping counts. I also love running and took Martial Arts, that counts more as a sport though. I love trying new things!! Now, for a guilty pleasure: whenever I have the time I like to watch a couple TV shows. Now, I don't watch that much TV but I do watch Pretty Little Liars, Modern Family, Icarly, and a couple HGTV and Food network shows.
Note: Sorry, I haven't blogged in a while, but I'm back, for now. Life's been hectic-what can I say? >.<