Saturday, September 4, 2010

Book Blogger Hop

                                     Hosted by:
                                          Do You Judge A Book By It's Cover?
   To tell you the truth, yes and no! Yes, book covers catch my eye catch my attention! For me covers represent a symbol of the book, so yea.....pretty important. Most of my favorite books have both amazing covers and normal covers.Anyways, No because even if I do look at the cover I later read the description!
I've also read a couple of books that didn't have amazing covers.


  1. Just popping in to say hi and welcome to the hop! I'm a big fan of YA and it seems you are as well, so I'll be looking forward to reading some of your reviews. Glad to be your first follower!


  2. Welcome to the book blogging world! You'll love it here. It's always fun to talk books with other booklovers.

    Glad to have found you via the Hop!

  3. Hello! It's always nice to see a new blogger. Can't wait to see your upcoming posts! Have a good rest of the weekend. :]

  4. Just hopping by. I agree with you, sometimes it really sucks when a great book has a crap cover. Happy reading!

  5. Found you through the hop, I'm a new follower :)

  6. Thanks for all the comments, your so kind! And I'm also exited to write my reiws for you! Thanks for following and stay tuned! ;D

  7. I do pick up a book because of its cover...not necessarily buy it, but it does make me pick it up and check it out.

    Hopping by.

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